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Business Name Registration

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If you carry out a business under a name other than your true name, or your Company's true name or your Partnership's true name, you should register your business name. The reason for this is to make public the identities of those individual(s), partnerships or corporate bodies being the legal entity behind the business name.

Specifically, registration of a business name is required if:

  • an individual uses a business name which differs in any way from his/her true surname. It makes no difference whether the individuals first name or initials are added. So, registration is required if, for example, Mr. John Sullivan traded as Sullivan Builders but not if he traded as Sullivan or John Sullivan)
  • a firm uses a business name which differs in any way from the true names of all partners who are individuals and the corporate names of all partners which are bodies corporate;
  • a company uses a business name which differs in any way from its full corporate name;
  • a person having a place of business in the State carries on the business of publishing a newspaper;
  • or an individual who wishes to register an IE. domain name.
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