Frequently Asked Questions
Normally, it takes 3-5 working days once the documents are submitted to the Company registration office (CRO). You need to select a package from the three packages from our website and fill in the details and submit the form.
YES & No Please note under Irish corporate legislation, the same person cannot act as sole director and as company secretary, you will need to appoint a second person as company secretary, this is because you need two individuals to sign the documents, if you do not have a second person in business with you we can act as your company secretary, we charge €199+vat a year for this service. (Section 134 of the Companies Act 2014).
It is mandatory for all Irish companies to register for Corporation Tax within one month of trading. The Corporation Tax rate in Ireland currently stands at 12.5% for trading income and 25% for non-trading passive income. Companies with non-resident directors may need to demonstrate an active trade in Ireland to successfully register.
A company should demonstrate the presence of the following in Ireland to register for corporation tax:
• Trading activity
• Physical premises
• Employees
• Central management and control (Board meetings in Ireland)
It takes around 2-3 weeks on average to get the tax numbers, so we recommend starting as early as possible. We can help you to register, click on the link below to start the process.
VAT is essentially a sales tax and tax on consumer spending. It is not mandatory to register for VAT unless certain thresholds are reached – €80,000 for goods and €40,000 for services. If your business is VAT registered, you must charge VAT on all vatable sales but can reclaim the VAT incurred on purchases. The standard rate for most goods & services is 23%.
To successfully register for VAT in Ireland, the business must have a permanent establishment in the state and human and technical resources to give rise to sales in Ireland.
Each company must meet certain requirements, such as:
• Having its own physical premises in Ireland, with human and technical resources.
• Having either an employee or director living in the country to show that there are individuals looking after the daily running of the business.
• Finally, the company must show evidence of trading to register for VAT.
Businesses applying for an Irish VAT number may choose either ‘Domestic’ or ‘Intra-EU’ number. The Intra-EU number will provide a VAT number useable for nil-rating acquisitions and dispatches of goods and services to other businesses within the EU.
We can help you register for VAT and other relevant taxES in Ireland. It takes around 2-3 weeks on average to get the tax numbers so we recommend starting as early as possible. Click on the link below to start the process.
The above article is for guidance only and does not constitute a legal advice!
ANNUAL RETURN: An annual return has to be filed with the Companies Registration Office (CRO) every calendar year, regardless of whether the company is trading or not. The first Annual Return needs to be filed at 6 months after the incorporation date. You do not need to file the Accounts with the first annual return. We can prepare the Annual Return for you at a cost of 100+ VAT. The second year Annual return falls after one year of the date of first annual return and require accounts to be filed with it.
RBO: All Irish Companies have a statutory obligation to file their Beneficial Ownership information with the central register within 5 months of incorporation. We can prepare the Annual Return for you at a cost of 99+ VAT.
If you missed your Annual Return deadline with the Companies Registration Office (CRO) your company will be subject to an immediate late filing fee of €100 with a further €3 per day for every day thereafter, up to a maximum of €1,200.
Your company will also lose its audit exemption and will be obliged to have its financial statements formerly audited, for a two year period after you file your annual return late. This results in higher accounting costs €1000-€2000 per year for an audit in addition to the CRO penalties and greater scrutiny of your company accounts.
We can help you with your late annual return, to ensure that you will not be incumbered by late filing penalties and 2 years of audit, by applying through district court to extend your annual return date and avoid huge penalties. Contact our experienced staff who can assist you in this matter.
If you have decided to close down or strike off your company, We can arrange to have your company taken off the Register. The cost of doing so is € 250 plus VAT, and the additional cost of a newspaper ad (a legal requirement) is included in this fee. For more details click on the link below.
Reg Office: Office 2, 12A Lower Main Street, Lucan Co Dublin, K78 X5P8, Ireland